2024 Shareholder of the Year Harriet Berikoff
Harriet was born on June 14, 1946, to Harry Sr. and Agnes Gould of King Cove. She is the third oldest of eight siblings Beverly Mack, Harry Gould Jr., Agnes Beaver, Daniel Gould, Robert Gould, Dennis Gould and Clarence Gould.
She graduated from Mt. Edgecumbe where she broke the track record, played basketball and was a cheerleader. She and Emil Berikoff Sr. rode the F/V North Sea to move to Unalaska in 1965. She has two children, Emil Berikoff Jr. and Charlene Shaishnikoff with grandchildren John, Cheyanne, Shelby, Luke, Caleb, Julieanne and Yazmine and great grandchildren Olivia, Shane, Sadie, Johnny Rose and Charlie Anne. Harriet is one of the founders for Camp Qungaayux, Unalaska Christian Fellowship and Museum of the Aleutians.
Harriet’s past Board involvement were APIA, Ballyhoo Lions Club, Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska and Unalaska City School District. She served on the Johnson O’Malley committee, Parent Teacher Association, Qawalangin Tribe Enrollment Committee and held office as a Tribal Administrator. She was the Community Liaison Officer- Scholarship Program for APICDA for 25 years. Harriet committed as a foster parent and Community Health Aide. Harriet continues to promote alcohol and drug free gatherings at all festivities such as the Tribal bonfires and brings people together at events such as the Annual Cookie Party, Senior Citizens Tea and commits to fundraising for a good cause. She loves watching as nets are gathered during the salmon season. The Aqalix Qada Episode “Harriet’s Pickled Fish” was well received.
During the Regional Wellness Gathering of 2012 she was quoted:
“The eight of us, we had a lot of exercise, we were out all the time and we did all kind of things we had to use our mind to think of and be very creative of what we did and we ate very healthy because we ate a lot of the things off the land. My father went hunting we had a lot of ducks and caribou and fish and we put up a lot of stuff so we ate a lot more healthy… so to model, I think you just have to be able to discipline yourself and you know to teach them their proper you know your vegetables and your meat and your fruits the proper things to eat.”
Her values are to respect your Elders, Unangam Tunuu language, subsistence way of life, love one another and show your culture. Her passion is serving her people, and she has committed to volunteering for many decades. She is a go getter! A get-her-done kind of person.
A recipient for Elder of the Year, twice, from the Qawalangin Tribe and recently received Honors for her dedication to serving the people.
Harriet is currently a Board member for Iliuliuk Family & Health Services, King Cove Corporation and the Unalaska Senior Citizen’s Program.