Aleut Marketplace Winners

Feb 06, 2025

Congratulations to our Aleut Marketplace Winners!

Each winner will be awarded $25,000 to invest in their businesses.

Open to all Alaska-based shareholders and descendants, this program began with 30 applicants submitting their business concepts. From there, a panel of neutral judges narrowed down the candidate pool to 11 semifinalists, who were invited to Anchorage to participate in a three-day business boot camp. At the boot camp, they underwent intensive training in business fundamentals. Semifinalists then had three months to develop their formal business proposals, while working with mentors and marketing professionals.

A second panel of neutral judges selected the winners of the final awards. The winners were chosen because they offer strong economic growth opportunities and address areas of improvement within the communities that they will serve. We are so excited to invest in our shareholders, and we’re blown away by the entrepreneurial spirit shining throughout this competition.

Thank you to Alaska Growth Capital for partnering with us. The winnings will be administered by Alaska Growth Capital based on the plans detailed in the business proposals. And we also want to acknowledge that it is because of the exceptional performance of our subsidiaries that we are able to make this program happen.

Arlene Wilson

Arlene Wilson

Momma Bear’s Daycare – Childcare

King Cove, AK

Kjell Mack

Kjell Mack

Mack’s General Store

King Cove, AK

Madison Thompson

Madison Thompson

Small Craft Cafe – Restaurant

Sand Point, AK

Kjell Mack – Mack’s General Store
Type: New Business
Location: King Cove, Alaska

Mack’s General Store will provide King Cove residents with a second, competitively-priced store for groceries and essentials. Mack’s General Store will be conveniently situated in a more centralized, residential location and will have longer hours to better serve the needs of the King Cove community. Kjell plans to use the award funds to purchase essential equipment to get his  business up-and-running. Kjell is from King Cove, and wants to support his community by donating 5% of his net proceeds back into the community.

Arlene Wilson – Momma Bear’s Daycare
Type: New Business
Location: King Cove, Alaska

Arlene Wilson, from King Cove, will be opening Momma Bear’s Daycare. As a mother of three young children herself, she is aware of the challenges that families with young children face when trying to find daycare options. King Cove currently does not have any official daycares, and it can be difficult to need to rely on family or friends. Momma Bear’s Daycare will offer age-specific learning opportunities, cultural enrichment activities, healthy food and a safe, caring environment. Arlene plans to use the award funds to make renovations to the daycare facility and purchase necessary equipment and supplies for the children.

Madison Thompson – Small Craft Café
Type: Existing Business
Location: Sand Point, Alaska

Small Craft Café is a family-owned cafe and restaurant in Sand Point, Alaska, overlooking the boat harbor. It serves residents, seasonal workers, and town visitors with a safe, communal gathering space and high-quality café-fare food. The café offers affordable, high-quality meals in a welcoming environment where patrons can watch TV, browse the internet, and enjoy a cup of drip coffee. The tight-knit employees at Small Craft Café want to grow and solidify their position as the premier dining location in Sand Point. The award funds will allow Small Craft Café to upgrade the facilities, enhance the customer experience, and solidify its longevity as a small business in rural Alaska.

Thank you to all of our shareholders who participated in this program and made it a success. We’re excited to host this program again in 2025, so stay tuned for the official kick-off of the next Aleut Marketplace competition!

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