First, I want to say qaĝaasakuq to everyone who attended this year’s Annual Aleut Picnic. It was wonderful to see all our Aleut shareholders, descendants, elders, and youth visiting and enjoying the activities. We had over 500 guests in attendance with the amazing weather. A special thank you to all the Unangax̂ artists who attended the picnic and to the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association’s Culture Camp dancers!

Programming has been in full swing at the Foundation. TAF approved 28 summer scholarships for degree-seeking students and awards are out the door. TAF is reviewing academic year scholarships received at our most recent deadline and working to approve awards for the over 125 applications received.
TAF would like to congratulate all our students who graduated at the end of the 2023-2024 academic year. You can see graduation announcements and photos on our Facebook page.
A reminder, TAF’s vocational training and career development grant applications are open year-round! The next scholarship deadline for degree-seeking students opens on November 1 and closes on November 29.
In addition to providing funding, TAF has been traveling in region to ensure Aleut shareholders and descendants are aware of TAF’s many funding opportunities. Recently, I was able to join Aleut for their summer community travel visiting Unalaska, Akutan, and Nikolski to meet with shareholders and descendants, visit with partners, grant recipients and community members.
And lastly, The Aleut Foundation is seeking candidates to fill a position on our Board of Directors. If you or someone you know is interested in serving on our Board, please visit www.thealeutfoundation.org to view our prospective board member packet and application. Applications are due by August 23.

Summer 2024 Scholarship Recipients
- Daniel Calugan, English – University of Alaska Anchorage
- Taylor Pierce, Nursing – Grand Canyon University
- Rebecca Swinney, Kinesiology – Oregon State University
- Thea Chesley, Business – University of Alaska Anchorage
- Kayla Kashevarof, Business – University of Alaska Anchorage
- Vera Lestenkof, Human Services – Alaska Career College
- Dakota Walker, Human Services – University of Alaska Anchorage
- Kyler Mack, Integrative Physiology – University of Montana
- Mia McWilliams, Accounting – California State University East Bay
- Iliodor Philemonof III, Business – University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Phillip Pletnikoff, Project Management – University of Alaska Anchorage
- Emma Stewart, Speech Pathology – NOVA Southeastern University
- Lily Stewart, Medicine – University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Samantha Torres-Taylor, Law – Seattle University School of Law
- Dylan Peat, Medicine – Bellingham Technical College
- Dionisy Bourdukofsky, Computer Sciences – Oregon State University
- Roxana Kashatok, Business – Ilisagvik College
- Megan Kashevarof, Social Work – University of Alaska Anchorage
- Lucas Helmich, Business – Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
- Hayden Kuzakin, Electrical Engineering – University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Savanna Maxon, Biology – Wilkes University
- Laurence Merculief Jr., Mathematics – University of Alaska Anchorage
- Faye Niederhofer, Nursing – Pima Community College
- Gianna Pallotta, Accounting – California State University East Bay
- Danelle Shellikoff, Social Work – University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Braden Waddill, Business – Harding University
- Briley Waddill, Business – Harding University
- Cody Williams, Education – Cambridge College

The Aleut Picnic
This year’s Aleut Picnic was a huge success with over 520 shareholders and descendants in attendance! Qaĝaasakung to our volunteers, Unangax̂ artists and vendors, APIA culture camp dancers, and everyone who made this event possible. Please enjoy these photos!