The Museum of the Aleutians’ is working on a project Family Mosaics: Reconnecting family histories and genealogies of Unangan People of the Commander Islands and the indigenous people of south-western Alaska, funded through the National Park Service Shared Beringian Heritage Program.
The project goal is to increase knowledge about historic connections and family ties between the people of the Commander Islands and indigenous Alaska communities of the Aleutian Islands and Kodiak archipelago.
The outcome will update existing Commander Island family history datasets with information from US archival sources and family histories, to create an exhibition, interactive elements, online portals for this information and a book with the results of the project.
Aksenov (Аксёнов)
Anis’ev (Анисьев)
Artamonov (Артамонов)
Badaev (Бадаев)
Berezin (Березин)
Budakov (Будаков)
Burdukovsky (Бурдуковский)
Volokitin (Волокитин)
Galkin (Галкин)
Golodov (Голодов)
Grigiriev (Григорьев)
Durishin (Дуришин)
Eransky (Еранский)
Zaikov (Зайков)
Ivanov (Иванов)
Izmailov (Измайлов)
Kadin (Кадин)
Katynchak (Катынчак)
Kaurov (Kaurov)
Kichin (Кичин)
Klimov (Климов)
Kontuyak=Seleznev (Контуйак = Селезнёв)
Korsakovsky (Корсаковский)
Kulikalov = Ishkhu, Iskuk (Куликалов = Ишку, Искух)
Ladygin (Ладыгин)
Lambert (Ламберт)
Losev (Лосев)
Maltsev (Мальцев)
Mershenin (Мершенин)
Myakushev (Мякишев)
Nevzorov (Невзоров)
Nikolaev (Николаев)
Nozhikov/ Nozikov (Ножиков/ Нозиков),
Olgin (Ольгин)
Pankov (Паньков)
Pakhomov (Пахомов)
Pesenkov (Песенков)
Pishenkov (Пишенков)
Popov (Попов)
Proshev (Прошев)
Rogen/Rogan (Роген/Роган)
Svin’sinsky (Свиньинский)
Sinitsin (Синицын)
Snegirev (Снегирёв)
Startsev (Старцев)
Stepnov (Степнов)
Stepanov (Степанов)
Sushnov (Сушков)
Terentiev (Терентьев)
Udachin (Kamchadal family) (Удачин)
Khabarov (Хабаров)
Khoroshev (Хорошев)
Khudyakov (Худяков)
Shadrov (Шадров)
Shangin = Pazhuk (Шангин = Пажук)
Shipitsyn (Шипицын)
Yuriev (Юрьев)
Yakovlev (Яковлев)
If you’re a member of one of these families or know about any of these names, please email the Museum at or call at 907-581-5150 (ask for Thomas or Virginia).
Or if you prefer, fill out the form at the bottom of the webpage: