Our History
Our Corporation
Our Corporation
On June 21, 1972, The Aleut Corporation was established. Over the ensuing days and weeks, news of this historic event traveled through our rugged and windy islands as communities learned they were now shareholders of Aleut. To honor the work that brought us to our 50th Anniversary, Aleut embarked on a major endeavor to chronicle the creation of our corporation, document shareholder stories, and set the stage for Aleut’s future. Enjoy Against All Odds!
Over the second half of the eighteenth century, Russian crews sailed ever farther eastward, expanding their colonial reach to the central Aleutian Islands.
This information has been adapted from the Aleutian Pribilof Island Association (APIA). For more information or additional resources about the Aleut Region and Unangax̂ people, visit the APIA website.