Board Chair Report

Nov 03, 2023

Dear Shareholders & Descendants,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits.

It’s always a pleasure to address you, and on behalf of the entire Board of Directors, we’d like to extend our gratitude for your presence at our recent Annual Meeting of Shareholders. It was an honor to host our annual meeting in Seattle for the first time and not only celebrate our achievements but also the spirit of the Unangax̂ culture thriving outside of Alaska.

While our shareholder numbers continue to increase in the Pacific Northwest, whether it be for education, medical services, or career opportunities, we remember the Unangax̂ connection rooted in history. Many families that were forced to leave their homes and displaced during WWII resettled in this area. We recognize the challenges they faced and honor their resiliency. We are delighted to see our Unangax̂ culture and community growing outside of Alaska. It is a testament to the strength of our shared heritage and the tenacity of our shareholders and descendants who continue to uphold these traditions.

I am pleased to announce the well-deserved recognition of two exceptional individuals within our community. Agnes Thompson, our Shareholder of the Year, embodies the spirit of dedication and service that defines our corporation. Additionally, we extend our warmest congratulations to Danielle Merculief, our Student of the Year, who represents the bright future of our community. Read more about both these incredible shareholders in this newsletter.

I am also pleased to share the recent success of our Stock Will Campaign. Since its launch a few months back, we have received 350 new or updated stock wills. This campaign is a vital component to ensuring and safeguarding your legacy. We extend our thanks to TAC Shareholder Relations, Communications, and Accounting teams for their exceptional work in bringing this campaign to life.

We are pleased to continue offering $50 to every shareholder who files a valid stock will before the deadline of March 31st, 2024. Having a valid stock will on file is part of your responsibility as a shareholder and vital to protecting your shares and legacy. More information can be found on page 9.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude and honor to serve our shareholders on The Aleut Corporation Board. Your trust and support are both humbling and motivating. Our commitment to collaboration, innovation, and strategic thinking will continue to propel us forward. Here’s to looking ahead and continuing to build upon these achievements.


Jenifer Nelson

Chairman of the Board

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