Aug 02, 2022

Dear Shareholders & Descendants,

This summer has already been an incredibly busy time. We are so grateful for the gifts and resources nature provides during these long, sun-filled days.

We had over 400 people attend the Annual Aleut Picnic! Thank you to The Aleut Foundation for putting on this event and to all our volunteers who made it happen.

The Aleut Corporation has recently relaunched our TAC Talent Bank. This will be a valuable tool for our shareholders and descendants who are starting their careers or looking for a change. This will also inform The Aleut Corporation about the fields and industries our shareholders and descendants are pursuing, so TAC can tailor internship and career opportunities to better serve our shareholders.

In order for the Talent Bank to be effective, we need your participation. TAC is hosting a Talent Bank Giveaway. Enter by completing your profile. Even if you have done it in the past, log back in and update your information. $100 to one lucky winner will be announced August 31. Instructions on how to access and update your Talent Bank profile via the Shareholder Portal is on page 11 of this newsletter.

As Skoey’s letter mentions, we have a significant change regarding the 50th Annual Meeting of Shareholders. On the recommendation of Skoey and the TAC Management Team, the Board of Directors voted to postpone the date of our Annual Meeting this year – from October 15 to November 12. The Board agrees with TAC management that taking additional time to be accurate and thorough with the audit is the right course of action. I’d like to reassure our shareholders that while Aleut Federal continues to stabilize, our underlying business is sound.

The Board recognizes that this date change will impact you, and we apologize for any inconvenience or complications this may cause to your travel plans.

We will be increasing our Early-Bird prizes for online and mail-in voting. TAC staff is in the process of revising dates and deadlines for proxy submission. New dates will be communicated in the coming weeks via email and social media.

On behalf of your entire Board of Directors, we wish you a safe and fruitful summer! We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this time, and we look forward to seeing you at the 50th Annual Meeting of Shareholders on November 12.


Jenifer Nelson

Chairman of the Board

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